ALBUMS WE LOVE :: Blue Note Records Remixed by Mark de Clive-Lowe

ALBUMS WE LOVE :: Blue Note Records Remixed by Mark de Clive-Lowe

Armed with a crateful of classics from Blue Note Records’ genre-defining years, Mark de Clive-Lowe has created a live-remix mixtape weaving from jazz to hip hop classics, to underground house and broken beat.

DOCS WE LOVE :: NY77 - The Coolest Year In Hell

DOCS WE LOVE :: NY77 - The Coolest Year In Hell

New York City, 1977 - It was a time when the city had fallen into decay, with too few jobs, money, police, schools, and social services. There was a city wide blackout with major looting, a serial killer on the loose, and the Bronx was burning. And yet out of the chaos emerged one of the most creative times any city has ever encountered.