Shorts We Love :: My Dead Dad's Porno Tapes by Charlie Tyrell — FRIENDS WE LOVE

Shorts We Love :: My Dead Dad's Porno Tapes by Charlie Tyrell

Wowza! This short film really hit us in all our emotional tender spots. “My Dead Dad's Porno Tapes” is at times really funny and lighthearted and then mysterious and sadly tragic the next. We get excited when we see stories told in inventive new ways and I feel like Tyrell’s deep dive into discovering who his Dad was allowed him to create something really unique and beautiful.


Was my father’s leftover stuff the key to who he really was?

"Honest, funny, nostalgic and incredibly inventive, the recipient of this prize tells the story of a young man sifting through his late father’s belongings in an attempt to uncover the intimate details of his life. A perfectly arranged menagerie of old film footage, audio recordings, and meticulously crafted stop motion animation, it is a beautiful tribute to a complicated but devoted father-son relationship.